
Posts Tagged ‘The Fiji Organic Project’

On Sunday, April 20th, 2008, St. Louis came out to frolick in the beautiful Forest Park to celebrate Earth Day at its annual festival put on by St. Louis Earth Day. I personally had not been to the festival since I was about 15 because I’m always out of town, so I was excited to see what the event had become. (I still remember doing my first 5K road race with Betsy Farmer at that Earth Day when we were 15.)

It’s gotten sooooooo big! Of course, we are in the year of “Don’t even think about publishing a magazine, sending out an e-newsletter, or spending big bucks on an ad campaign without making GREEN one of the foremost article titles”… As a long-time greenie, it’s great news that the day when eco is on the tip of everyone’s tongues has finally come, but of course some of it is very irritating at the same time (for example I just came across a website advertising polos made from organic American-grown corn… while there ARE shirts made from an innovative fabric made from corn!, the corn is NOT organic. Argh. more on that later)

So back to the festival. Our booth was definitely multi-tasking on that day. We had a section for tees that specifically benefit The Fiji Organic Project and Trailnet; we had the old “Wooden Nickels” box from Wild Oats (salvaged from the dump when Whole Foods took over!) for people’s spare change for donations, and we had our gorgeous new line of EarthDance Tees! We even showcased jewelry from Scarlett Garnet, made by our good friend /St. Louis jewelry designer Katie Miller.

EarthDance Tees is a new not-for-profit division of Sportsprint. All proceeds from EarthDance Tees benefit a new project that helps folks bring out the culture in agri[culture]. EarthDance grows local Food, Art, Relationships, and Music. Come FARM with us! We’re setting our sights on buying a 14 acre organic farm in Ferguson, Missouri, to ensure that it remains a working organic farm and to use it as a site for environmental education, youth leadership building and skill sharing, and a cultural center for the community.

We ended up selling 44 t-shirts at the festival, and have already sold 7 more since! Besides having steady sales for the day, we were happy to meet so many festival goers and friends at our booth! (It was also a treat to see my 2nd grade teacher, whom I hadn’t seen in years! Mrs. Einig was always one of my favorites 😉 Looking forward to many more outdoor festivals as the weather warms… C’mon sun – do your thang!

[The date for our first photo shoot is pending, but stay posted for photos of our beautiful designs!]

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